“Optimal Management of an Epidemic”

Carlos Garriga, Rody Manuelli and Siddhartha Sanghi study a dynamic macro model to capture the trade-off between policies that simultaneously decrease output and the rate of infection transmission. Findings suggest that, in many cases, optimal policies require sharp initial decreases in employment followed by a partial liberalization that occurs before the peak of the epidemic. The study also discusses the impact of the arrival of a vaccine and its changing value as the epidemic progresses.

Six-Country Survey on Covid-19

This paper presents a new data set collected on representative samples across 6 countries: China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, the UK and the four largest states in the US. The information collected relates to work and living situations, income, behavior (such as social-distancing, hand-washing and wearing a face mask), beliefs about the Covid 19 pandemic and exposure to the virus, socio-demographic characteristics and pre-pandemic health characteristics. (The data can be accessed here.)

Recommended citation: Michèle Belot, Syngjoo Choi, Julian C. Jamison, Nicholas W. Papageorge, Egon Tripodi, Eline van den Broek-Altenburg, Six-Country Survey on Covid-19, on: Covid-19 Research Conduit (May 2020), URL: http://www.covid-19-research-conduit.org/2020/05/06/six-country-survey-on-covid-19/.