Fabrizio Tassinari and Mehari Maru on why the EU needs to support Africa in its efforts to combat the pandemic.
Fundamental rights and the COVID-19 emergency
Martin Scheinin offers best practice and problems drawing on the Finish experience.
“In this crisis, the EU needs to become the guardian of the future”
Kalypso Nicolaïdis explains why and how in France-Culture.
Bring in the drones
In Bergamo apparently, although hard to believe that they shout in English.
“The COVID-19 Default Time Bomb”
Ping Wang alerts us to a piece by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Chang-Tai Hsieh on the fiscal risks awaiting developing countries fighting the economic consequences of COVID-19.
12 recommendations to the EU
Academics and policy-makers discuss EU responses to COVID-19 at a virtual workshop of the School of Transnational Governance: A Policy Brief.
EU finance and the single market
Miguel Poiares Maduro on what the EU must do to preserve the single market during the recovery.
Interview of Flavio Toxvaerd
Rupert Gatti interviews Flavio Toxvaerd about the economics of the pandemic for INET. Worth watching.
Masks please
Mustafa Kaba draws our attention to an article about the usefulness and practicality of wearing masks by a group at Yale.
Testing and group testing
Larry Kotlikoff explains the Gollier and Gossner plan for mass testing by pooling samples.