Richard Blundell directs us to RES resource page and especially their seminar series.
Virtual Macro Seminar Series
Morten Ravn points us to the virtual macro seminar series now largely focused on covid-19. Also on our partners page, and there is a link to youtube for earlier seminars.
Unless one gets everyone to act, policies may be ineffective
Measures of social distancing and reducing contacts need to be implemented robustly and evenly, write Alessio Muscillo and Paolo Pin, otherwise such policies may have adverse effects.
“In this crisis, the EU needs to become the guardian of the future”
Kalypso Nicolaïdis explains why and how in France-Culture.
Crowdsourcing data
Help provide social distancing information for US communities.
Bring in the drones
In Bergamo apparently, although hard to believe that they shout in English.
Random Testing in the US
Jakub Steiner draws our attention to an interview with a US expert about plans there.
An Asian-Pacific perspective
The Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) collects research and commentary reflecting the Asian-Pacific experience of the pandemic, with an emphasis on finance and the economy.
“The COVID-19 Default Time Bomb”
Ping Wang alerts us to a piece by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Chang-Tai Hsieh on the fiscal risks awaiting developing countries fighting the economic consequences of COVID-19.
Testing in Colorado
Some information about who is doing the testing and where although they apparently aren’t yet done. This is 100% sample of an antibody test in San Miguel County, Colorado.